The more observant among you may have noticed that the yellow dot has now rested just off the west coast of Africa! It looks like the team has made the decision to have a holiday in the sun, before returning to work next week. I wouldn’t mind but they asked me to sort out cheap accommodation for them tonight near Wicklow!
They all had a good sleep at Limerick Travelodge last night (see photo of Borrans Junior in his room) and felt more refreshed when they woke this morning.
Neil Smith from Radio Cumbria contacted them this morning and plans to air an interview with Norman and James on this afternoon’s programme (5-6pm).
Thank you so much for all the messages of encouragement and support sent to the team through the social media – it has given Norman and James such a boost to know that people have admired their efforts and understood the reason for withdrawal.
I was particularly taken with this comment from a Prague bike fan (ZdenÄ›k Ĺ Ăma), who has been following us, although we probably won’t take him up on his offer:
“Best regards from Prague bike fan! All the time I was telling myself “how the hell can they continue so far and so fast on tandem? !!! My respect to both of you !! Do come to one of the extreme races in the Czech Republic, you will be respected and welcome !!”
The team are enjoying the sunshine today, making their way back to Navan tomorrow – and hoping to cheer in the other teams still to finish.
The next blog should be on the website when we have all met up – probably on Saturday.