Last night the follow car turned up at the food stop to find Pat and Jonathan had transformed the car park into a 5 star restaurant, including a menu, flowers and their own personal wine waiter! Compliments to the chef/chief. (I am still waiting for a photo from the crew so will send it when I get it)
Lots of messages coming in from friends and family which are being passed on to the team to encourage them on their way. We particularly like this one from friends in the Highlands.
“Watching your progress and can’t help concurring with the alternative definition of TFM! Or was that Two Fantastic Men on The Flying Machine!”
If you have any other suggestions, please let us know (do keep it clean as it is a family show!)
Also if you have any ‘bear’ jokes to share, as we have the 2 little bear mascots – again only clean jokes are acceptable!
A few factoids of interest:
I hope you are still pedalling dad!